Friday, December 20, 2013

Gingerbread Houses

Today, the first grade teachers surprised the students with gingerbread house decorating! The students had worked very hard in art designing and creating a non-edible gingerbread house so this was a nice treat as well as a different way to be creative.

Many thanks to the PTA for their generous support of this project!!

With a blank slate, no two houses came out alike.

The finished products look great!  (The hands were a bit messy though...)

My apologies for the few students whose pictures were left out--I forgot one friend and a few were photo bombed by other first graders who I am not positive about their photo releases. :)

I hope the creations made it home safely. Have a safe and happy holiday and restful vacation!!! See you next year.....

Winter Wonderland

Click HERE to see the class sing Winter Wonderland. Along with two other first grade classes, this was performed at an assembly for the whole school. Due to space limitations, parents couldn't attend and the class thought you would like to hear their song at home. They are wearing snowflake headbands made by Mrs. White, while singing the song they practiced with Ms. Landsman. 

Winter Wonderland

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Shape Art

Yesterday we used out knowledge of plane shapes to create a snowman. Circles for the body, a triangle carrot nose, and a square and rectangle combined to make the hat. After that, the students gave each snowman their own flair.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Symbols presentation on Veteran's Day

Finally I have been able to upload the students hard work sharing their knowledge of symbols:

It was originally a powerpoint and I could not get the sound to sync up properly, so it is just the slides. Press pause if they fly by too fast for you to read all of the information that the students wanted to share!

Thanks for your patience, enjoy!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

The class has been practicing a Thanksgiving song that they wanted to share with everyone.
Click the link below to see the song and a message for you and your families:

The Story of the First Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!!

Thanksgiving poetry

Today for a workshop center, students were given a pile of words associated with Thanksgiving and a poem structure. Each group worked together, choosing and organizing words and ideas. Each poem is unique!

Everyone else was hard at work at the listening center and making turkeys.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wild turkeys!

I went to pick up the students from Art and found some wild turkeys instead. Do you see one that belongs to you???

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Fall Festival fun!

OOn Friday we had a wonderful Fall Festivale thanks to the organization of Mrs. Jenkins, Ms. Latham and Mrs.White and numerous volunteers. The kids had a blast and exercised a few of those Halloween goodies out of their system.

First we tried to get a ring around a pumpkin:

Then we did a scarecrow relay. These kids were too fast for me to catch them with the camera!:

And then everyone worked together to pass the "apples" and fill up the bucket at the end of the line:

There were some creative passes the third time around:

Afterwards we danced and then headed back to the room to paint a fall tree mural:

And there's no better end to a day than a delicious snack of popcorn and juice:

Again, thank you to all who made this day possible--it was a fun filled end to our week!!