Saturday, May 28, 2016

Field Trip

We had a wonderful field trip! First we went to the Hooksett Public Library to read a story, sing a song and explore the children's room with Miss Grace. 

Then it was on to the Head School for a trip back in time to see what school was like in the 1800's! 

What a fun filled morning we had!!!!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Tie Dye in Art

Yesterday was tie dye day in Art, a favorite every year! In first grade students use red and yellow dye, which they know will mix to make orange.
First Mrs. White demonstrated the steps:

After the demonstration, everyone got to work swirling, banding and dying!

Many th als to all the parent volunteers who made this possible along with the PTA for donating all of the supplies! I can't wait for the big reveal to see how everything tuened out!