Monday, June 24, 2013

End of the Year Activities

The end of the year has been a whirlwind--I will try to recap the fun with pictures of our many special events.

BINGO: The students were the game pieces. Too bad we didn't win. :(

We enjoyed our Teddy Bear picnic indoors, since it was raining. I think everyone enjoyed pushing the chairs back and spreading blankets out on the floor more than the grass outside!

Just after the Teddy Bear picnic we were evacuated to Memorial. Since the rain had stopped the student got a chance to try out their playground equipment.


When it started raining we headed back into the gym to read, play cards and chat with friends.

For the last Art class Mrs. White did a lesson on symmetry and the students wanted to show off their Symmetry Monsters.

On Field Day the students got a lesson in Karate...
 ...and then headed out for some relay games...

..and fun with water to cool off!

I hope everyone has a relaxing, and fun filled summer!!!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Tie dye shirts revealed

One of the neatest things about tie dying is seeing how your colors created a design once it is all untied. Our shirts were returned to school today so we did a big reveal together. 1, 2, 3....

Here are all of our shirts:

Students will be wearing these shirts on Field Day, which will be held Monday, June 24th. I will keep the shirts in the classroom and students will change once they arrive to school that day. 

Thank you again to the PTA, Mrs. White and our many volunteers who made this project possible!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Tie Dye in Art

Today was our day to make tie dye shirts in Art, thanks to Mrs. White's expertise and the generosity of the PTA. Students will wear these on Field Day, I can't wait to see the finished product.

Last year in Kindergarten, students made shirts with red and blue. In first grade the students used red and yellow. Any predictions on what they will do in second grade? 

We had lots of volunteers helping today, thank you so much!