Tuesday, June 24, 2014


We had a blast in our last day with a living BINGO board:

Despite how full that board was, it wasn't a winner. :( 

But this one was....

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Tie dying in Art

Many thanks to the PTA for their generous donation of tie dye supplies, and all the parents who came to help. The students loved the process and are excited to see the finished product!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

What does 162 look like?

As part of our morning calendar routine last week I asked students to work together to show 162 (our day on school) as a group. Each group used a different tool and did a great job representing one group of 100, 6 groups of 10 and 2 ones. 

Base 10 blocks:


Linking cubes: