What a bittersweet end of the year--we are all excited for summer but sad to be going seperate ways.
Our day began as usual, with a morning message. Today everyone got to share a favorite first grade memory:
We counted our days right up until the end and then worked together to put the numbers in order from 1 to 175!
And at the end of our day we were able to join Mrs. Landsman to see our constellation research project. What a fun way to wrap up our learning!
I hope everyone has a restful and fun summer vacation. Be sure to take time to explore, ask questions, and of course make time to read each day!
See you in the halls in the fall...
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Learning about Ghana
This afternoon we enjoyed a different kind of learning, using an interactive bulletin board created by Mrs. Noboa's class. They have been learning about Ghana, where our artist-in-resident Theo Martey is from. Using the iPads we scanned the QR codes on the board which showed a variety of information about Ghana: animals, songs, dances and more. It was a lot of fun for everyone!
Monday, May 8, 2017
Calendar and Time
In Chapter 15 students will be working with calendar and time, concepts the students are very familiar with from our daily calendar routines. We will work on telling time to the hour and half hour using an analog clock. Using an analog clock at school and home helps students to see the passage of time, and have a better understanding of "how long until..."
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Mental Math
Beginning today, we will begin working on Mental Math strategies in Chapter 14. Students have learned a great deal about tens and ones and strategies for addition and subtraction and we will begin finding ways to use this knowledge to perform mental computations.
What are we reading Monday?
For the past few weeks we have been working on some digital citizenship skills in the classroom. We call it "What are you reading? Monday" Readers often share books with each other through discussions and with digital tools many adults share what they are reading online using Goodreads or another digital outlet. This is a way for students to begin share a book they have been reading independently online through a Padlet (available only to those who have the link or QR code).
The students work with a partner to take a picture making sure it includes the title of the book:
They then continue to work together scan a QR code, upload the picture, and add their initials.
As you can see they are very diligent to support each other and get it just right:
Of course, one of the favorite parts of this activity is looking through the padlet to see what everyone else is reading! It exposes the students to more books than they may have come across browsing the classroom library independently.
Please check out our padlet and see what we are reading: What are you reading? Monday padlet
It continues to be updated each Monday, be sure to check back!
Monday, May 1, 2017
Away We Grow
Dear Parents and
Our class is beginning our new unit in our
reading program called, Away We Grow.
Throughout this unit we will read and discuss selections that cover various
aspects of plant life. This unit
will provide students with a basic understanding of plant life and how plants
work together in our environment.
Students will read about, write about and explore plant-related
subjects, such as how a seed grows, gardens, flowers, and plants that eat
can enhance your child’s learning in this area by helping him or her locate
additional educational resources dealing with the topics covered in each
lesson. Your local library and the
Internet can provide a great deal of supplementary information for your to
explore together. In addition,
outdoor excursions will help your child place the information he or she is
learning into a meaningful context.
Walks and hikes can help your child identify the features he or she is
discovering in class. First-hand
observation can also lead you and your child to further areas of exploration.
always, your help at home is important in helping to make this a meaningful
unit of study for your child. Here
are some activities you may wish to try:
a list of foods that grow from seeds.
Buy a few at the grocery store and compare the seeds. Can you count the seeds?
is a great variety within the world of flowers. How many different flowers can you name? Go to a local grocery store or green
house and look at the many variety of flowers.
your child acquire firsthand experience by going to a local greenhouse
together. Encourage your child to
explore the greenhouse and observe the conditions needed so that plants may
flourish. Help him or her
investigate which plants are annual
and perennial.
Concept and Question Board:
You may wish to
contribute to our unit concept and question board by sending in pictures or
drawings of plant life. You can
look for pictures in magazines, newspapers or take pictures of plants that you
have worked together to help grow.
Students may also wish to look for seeds and place them in a ziplock bag
to share with the class. Anything that you think will help the students to
learn more about plant life would be helpful. Thank you for your continued support at home to supplement
our learning at school!
Friday, March 24, 2017
Numbers to 40
This week we will begin working with numbers to 40, focusing on place value and breaking numbers into tens and ones.
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
100th Day fashion show
To wrap up our 100th day, we had a fashion show with Mrs. Field's class. Everyone had such different and unique 100th day shirts. We tried to capture them all on the "runway" but as you can see many of the models were fast movers!
Thank you for your support at home to make our 100th day fashion show such a success!
Guest reader
Today we had a great treat---a player from the Monarchs came to read groups of Underhill students a book. We learned about bullying and how to treat others kindly.
Monday, March 6, 2017
North, South, East, West
class is beginning a new unit in our reading program called North, South, East, West. We will read
stories and poems about reading maps, making maps, asking and giving
directions, and traveling.
unit is similar to previous units because it has a reading transition for
students. In the first half of the
unit, students will follow along in the Big Book as selections are read. In the second half of the unit,
students will take on the responsibility of reading the main classroom
selections using their First Reader.
this unit, you may want to take the opportunity to look at maps and globes
around your home. Maps are a way
of making our world more accessible.
They help us understand new and unfamiliar places. If possible, visit the library or look
on the Internet for maps of both familiar and unfamiliar places.
activities you may wish to try:
As you look at
maps together, help your child think about the four cardinal directions: north,
south, east and west. If possible,
use a compass to identify the four directions from your home. Ask your child to decorate letters that
represent the four directions.
After discovering the four directions, ask your child to hang the
decorated letters N, S, E and W in the appropriate places.
Encourage your
child to hide a small treasure somewhere within your home or around the
neighborhood. Ask him or her to
draw a treasure map that will lead you to the hidden surprise.
Concept and Question Board:
You may wish to
contribute to our unit concept and question board by sending in a map to
post. This can be a road map, a
map of a park you have been to or even a state or country map. If you would like the map returned just
send it in with a note so that I am aware. Thank you for your continued support at home to supplement
our learning at school!
Friday, February 24, 2017
Hooray for Dr. Seuss!

The week we come back from vacation, children across America will be celebrating the birthday of Ted Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss. In honor of this literary great, we will join in the festivities by reading a Dr. Seuss book each day. At home, you can help add to the excitement of this week by having your child prepare for the stories we will be reading.
Monday, March 6th:
Wear red and white (stripes if you have them) as we read The Cat in the Hat.
Tuesday, March 7th:
Bring in your favorite stuffed animal to hold while we imagine what would happen What Pet Should I Get?
Wednesday, March 8th:
Let’s get wacky and wear crazy or colorful clothes or hats while we read Wacky Wednesday!
Thursday, March 9th:
Wear clothes with lots of pockets and hide tiny treasures as we get ready to hear There’s a Wocket in my Pocket.
Friday, March 5th:
Wear your favorite socks as we snuggle up to read Fox in Sox.
Happy Reading!
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Happy Valentine's Day!
The students had a wonderful day yesterday sharing their Kind Comments and creating a heart full of love. They spent more time stopping to read comments and finding out who said what, than they did gluing and adding stickers. This class is a community of learners that care about each other and it shows in the kindness they shared.
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