Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Our Neighborhood At Work

            Our class is beginning a new unit today in our reading program called Our Neighborhood at Work.  Students will read and discuss selections about the many different jobs and professions that people do every day.  We will read a story that will introduce students to the idea that everybody works different and exciting jobs.  We will also read a story about a boy who explores the many professions in his neighborhood, and a story about a man who runs his own grocery store. 
            You may want to help your child create a list of different professions in our community and interview some of the people who have these jobs.  You can also add to your discussions by reading books and articles about people and places around the town.  You may discover that your child has an interest in a specific profession through your discussions.  Find out more about a profession that interests your child!
            In class, we will be discussing how coming to school each day is work for students.  To make sure each student is prepared, organization is an important skill.  Talk to your child about organization and how it can be helpful when we are very busy.  Ask your child to make a schedule for the following day and encourage him or her to follow the agenda in order to stay organized.  Tell your child to include such activities as waking up, brushing teeth, eating breakfast, and getting dressed.  At the end of the day, ask your child if it was helpful to follow his or her schedule.

Concept and Question Board:
You may wish to contribute to our unit concept and question board by looking for pictures of people at work.  These can be pictures from magazines and newspapers, or pictures your child takes of someone they know.  There are more jobs than I have room to mention!  If your child learns about a specific profession, they may wish to draw a picture or make a list of job responsibilities to add to our board.   Whatever you do at home to supplement our learning at school is always appreciated!

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